Sunday, September 18, 2016

Best Workout Partner, EVER!

The kids are supposed to be cleaning their rooms this morning.  In reality, Austin is playing with his toys, Abby is dressing up, and Juliet is running between their rooms wreaking havoc.  I decided to take advantage of the quiet (Ha!) to squeeze in today's 30 day ab challenge exercise*

I was in the hallway between rooms when Abby waltzes out and asked what I was doing.  I told her "30 day Ab Challenge" and she excitedly said, "I want to do it too!" The following occurred:

40 sit ups.
Abby: Oh, that is SO easy!
           She proceeds to attempt a few, using her arms to fling herself up.  I corrected her form.
           Uhm.  I'm just going to do 10.

20 crunches.
Abby: Oh, that is SO easy!
           She attempts a few.  
           I'm just going to do 10.

20 reverse crunches (or leg-ups? I don't know what to call them, officially)
Abby: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! No.

30 second plank.
Abby: Oh, that is SO easy!
           We start.
           Uhm.  Tell me when we hit 20.
           I finish the 30 seconds.
           You know what you really need to do? Do that with Baby on your back.

Me: All done!
Abby: Wait.  That's it? Don't we need to do more? That was easy!

She's a real motivator. Eye roll.

* I hurt my foot back in May and promptly put on 10lbs.   I still can't exercise fully on it.  To add to the frustration, my metabolism has realized I am 35 and decided to shut down completely.  I've been trying a few different things to try and kick it back into gear and this is one of them.  Albeit, these have been half-assed attempts because it was summer and the kids were home.  School is back in session, so no more excuses!

Friday, January 29, 2016

We have 3 KIDS.

Remember that great post about new years resolutions?  Yeah... Since then I have written not a single word and the 21 day fix only lasted a few days.* Anyway.  We'll just move past that and keep plugging along...

This morning as Dan was leaving for work, he looked back at the kids sitting at the table and said "We have three kids.  We don't have a baby anymore- she's just another kid."  And (sob, sob) he's right.  She's only 19 months old, but as a third child she is so eager to keep up with the big kids that she is just flying through stages.  

A few weeks back she was sick and fussy during a meal, so in an effort to get her to eat, I let her sit in a big chair next to Austin instead of her highchair.  Ever since, she has refused to sit back in her high chair and will only eat at the table like everyone else.  Thankfully, I can strap her into a booster seat for meals, but to color or have a snack she only wants to "Sit. Chair!"  She looks like a real little kid in that chair.  

I haven't written much about Juliet (because I haven't written, period), but that kid is one smart cookie.  She is also VERY verbal.**  I remember Abby talking a lot, but Abby was one to sit back and observe before jumping in.  Juliet just wants to be a part of everything and will insert herself into whatever is happening.  If the kids are laughing, she laughs.  If the kids are screaming, she screams.  She is always right there, following along. 

A few weeks ago Abby told us that whenever things got too loud at school, her teacher would put a hand in the air and a finger over her lips to indicate it was time for quiet.  Everyone then had to copy the motion until all were quiet.  Dan and I thought it sounded like a plan, so we said "let's do that at home too!" It really has just become a game.  Usually, it's played at the table because my kids take forever to eat breakfast and lunch.  Mealtime = Crazy time.  Singing, yelling, games...basically anything but eating.  Abby or Austin would start it and we'd all follow along and then we'd laugh at the loser and move on.  Juliet also picked up on it pretty quickly and when someone else would do it, so would she. 

Fast forward to today.  Abby and Austin were yelling at each other (no idea what about) and I said "Guys! That's enough! Quiet!" Then I look over at Juliet, who has decided Mom wants quiet, I know what to do.  She's got a finger over her mouth and a hand in the air.  She waited until everyone followed along and yelled "Meeee!" with a huge smile on her face.  Tonight a dinner, she took it a step further by starting the game, watching Abby and Austin.  Abby raised her hand and Austin followed shortly after, but was still last.  Juliet pointed to him and yelled "Bud!" Not only does she get the game, she plays it correctly and now calls out the loser.

She's a smart one. 

I thought Abby was going to be my trouble maker, but she's all talk.  Juliet seems to have a mischievous glint in her eye.  It's the little one we're going to have to watch out for!

*In all fairness, I don't think the fix is the right plan for me.  As a vegetarian, it is just simply not enough calories to sustain me.  Especially with all the running I've been doing.  When I finally threw in the towel, Dan asked me to not ever do it again because I became a "shell of a person" on it.  Apparently my brain stopped functioning and I was a bit angry.  I'm following my fitness pal now and doing MUCH better.  I feel stronger, happier, and I don't have a major headache after a big workout. 
** And she has crazy fine motor skills.  Not only does she hold a pencil perfectly, the kid can draw circles.  On purpose. This morning she was trying to draw a star, and it kinda looked like one.  I'm used to two kids you had to force to color...this is foreign territory for me.  

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had holidays that were more laughter than tears, more fun than chaos and more relaxing then stressful! We have three kids and made a whirlwind trip from Greensboro to Richmond to Northern Virginia and back in the span of 4 days, so we had a little of all of those things.  Overall, it was nice but exhausting!

Now that we're home and recovered from the holiday madness, I'm back! I'm not usually one to make resolutions, but Abby had learned about them this year and was asking so we all made them this year.   (Well, sort of.)  Austin said he would try to be a better listener.  Abby said she wanted to eat healthier.  Dan said he made them, but I never heard what they were.  As for me, here you go:

1) Start the year off with another round of the 21 day fix.
     I'd done a round with quite a bit of success this past summer, and actually enjoyed it.  Unfortunately, it's pretty difficult to maintain as a vegetarian that doesn't really cook, so I fell off.  I put back on a few of the pounds I've lost and need to lose them again.  Today is day 2, and so far, so good!

2) Get myself and Abby ready for our race in February.
    Abby and I have done 4 5k races together.  In February, we will attempt our first 10k together (it will be my third, but one I was pregnant for and just ended up walking the whole thing) in Disney World.  Abby is in pretty decent shape, but not nearly enough to get through a 10k.  She had a big growth spurt this summer and hasn't really gotten her fitness level back yet.  She's done soccer, running club, basketball and swimming but she still needs to train to get safety get through this one.  Not to mention, I have not run much at all recently and getting myself through this race should be interesting! 6 weeks to go...I'll keep you posted!

3) Write every day.
    I won't be here every day, but I would like to write something every day.  I started this blog back up because I enjoy writing and to keep a record of our life with little ones.  I can't even count the number of times I've started a blog post in my head and then never actually written anything because life got in the way or it seemed like too much trouble to pull out the macbook instead of being on my phone.  Hopefully, if I get in the habit of doing it every day, I'll just end up blogging more too.  Not to mention, I have three little kids and my brain is fried.  Maybe using it for more than nursery rhymes and refereeing fights will help me feel a bit more together? We're on day 3 of the new year and this is the first time I've actually pulled out the computer, so we shall see how this one turns out.

That's all I could come up with that I could realistically keep up with.  I could pull out some pie in the sky goals, but I know I won't likely accomplish them so I'm not going to waste my time!

Be back soon! (Hopefully?)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Abby wants another dog....not happening.

I am not an animal person.  Never have been.  I always say that's one of the reasons I'm a vegetarian...I don't like animals to eat or pet.  That being said, we have a dog.  A high maintenance, slobbering, mess of a boxer that the kids and Dan love.  Well, Juliet loves him.  Abby does 90% of the time and Austin likes him okay.  Since I would do anything for my family, I take care of the dog.  This paragraph isn't to make you hate me (though I'm guessing some people may?) but to give you some backstory for yesterday.

We were at Target trying to find basketball shorts for Abby and the kids saw a bunch of balloons outside Petsmart.  Abby asked to go check it out and I said no.  She even tried to entice me by saying, "But Mom, what if they are having a really big sale?" As we walked to Target we saw a big sign saying "Pet Adoptions." Then it started...

Abby: Can we get another dog?
Me: No
Abby: Please?
Me: No.  We have a dog.  One is enough.
Austin: But, what if we get rid of Duke and get a new dog?*
Me: We can get rid of Duke, but we're not getting another dog.**
Abby: NO!
Me: shoulder shrug Let's go to Target.
Abby: When I'm an adult, I'm going to have 6 dogs!
Me: No, you won't.
Abby: Fine! 5.
Me: Go ahead, but I'm not going to visit you if you do.
Abby: But....I'm going to be a mom and that means you'll be a grandma, so you'll have to come visit or you won't see your grandkids.


Sigh.  Score one for Abby.  Again.

*Austin falls closer to the take him or leave him category on the dog.  
** Do not get upset with me! I joke, but we will never get rid of this dog.  He's part of the family now and he's here to stay.  If we were going to throw in the towel we would have done it when he was a puppy and we were going through hundreds of dollars at the vet office trying to figure out his inflammatory bowel disease and laundry list of allergies that result in doggie pica among other things.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

40 by 40

So, you may have noticed I just flew past my birthday without a post this year.  I turned 35 this year.  Thirty FIVE.  This is the first year I've really struggled with the number.  I've always welcomed "growing up" but this one was a bit tough to swallow.  Thankfully, my husband is always two years older to make me feel not quite as old!

Anyway.  My birthday happened, moving on!

A few years ago a friend of mine turned 40 and Dan and I started talking about putting together a list of things 40 things to do before we turned 40.  Dan initially wrote one too, but a lot of his were running or physical and his knee has made that impossible for the time being.  However, I stuck to mine and came up with the following list. (I've been working on it for two years now?)  I still have a few more slots to fill and I'm open to suggestions.*  Dan is supposed to be coming up with a few he wants to add, but I've been asking for a while now and note really gotten any.  So, here is the list! Explanations and stories of those I've completed included!

1) Take a spin class- Done! Not only that, I now go regularly! I was always afraid of a spin class  
because it seemed hard and I have a bike thing, but I loved it.  Not only that, but I've become    friends with two of the women in the class.  Our kids play sports together and one is a neighbor, but    spin definitely made it easier to cross the line from side-line acquaintances to friends.**
2) Cut my hair really short- I've always had short hair, but I went sort of pixi short before Juliet was       born.  I loved it, but I do not have the time to keep up with super short hair.  I probably only get my hair done 2-3 times a year.
3) Take the kids to pet sting rays- I did this on a field trip growing up and it was one of my favorite childhood memories.  I have no idea why, as it is so unlike me! When we moved to Greensboro we discovered the Science Center.  It is 5 minutes from the house and is a zoo, aquarium and science center all in one. And it has a sting ray petting tank! Abby thought it was cool and Austin refused to touch them. Not sure it will stick with them like it did me, but it is checked off my list.
4) Run a half marathon
5) Do a color or mud run- I don't like to get dirty.  At all.  This sounded like something that would push me out of my comfort zone, so I added it.  Not ready to try it yet!
6) Take a barre class- My sweet sister actually gave me a class as a birthday present this year.  I haven't used it yet, but am excited!
7) Get under 150lbs and stay there- I actually got there after doing the 21 day fix this summer, but I haven't stuck with it.  I'm determined to jump back on the wagon soon and make this stick though!
8) Run a 5k in under 30 minutes- Best I've done so far is 44 minutes, but I was with Abby.  I probably still have a ways to go on this one.
9) Go all the way under the water in the ocean- I have a fear of water where I can't see the bottom. I went up to my waist this year with the kids, but couldn't pull the trigger and do it all.  I think I need to wait until Dan can go in and hold my hand!
10) Ride a bike- I don't know how to ride a bike.  I feel like this is something I should learn? Though of everything on my list, this is the one I'm least enthusiastic about...
11) Own a pair of designer jeans (not from TJ Maxx or Marshalls)
12) Go apple picking- Done! It wasn't what I thought, but will definitely take the kids again.
13) Own a Michael Kors Hamilton handbag - I've always wanted one, but have never bought one for countless reasons.  One of these days I'm just going to do it. (But only once we get past the whole diapers stage.  Maybe this will be my 40th birthday gift to myself?)
14) Take a day trip with Abby
15) Take a day trip with Austin
16) Take a trip with Juliet
17) Go wine tasting in Napa (or other wise tasting region that is not Virginia or North Carolina)
18) Go to Vegas with Dan
19) Have deep dish pizza in Chicago
20) Attend a taping of a game/talk show
21) Get a pedicure with both my girls
21) Do a ropes/zipline course- Post on this coming soon! Abby and I did one this past weekend.
22) Finish a race as a family
23) Climb a rock wall
24) Go to Hawaii
25) Take a bread baking class- I'm a pretty good baker, but I have failed at bread many times.
26) Take a photography class
27) Attend a professional tennis match- Dan and I went to one this summer.  With that match, I have now attended every major sport live.  (NFL, college football, NBA, college basketball, golf, NHL, NASCAR, soccer and tennis!)
28) Have a fully decorated house- considering we've been in our house over a year and I've only hung 2 pictures so far I better get moving on this one.
29) Swim with dolphins
30) Take a hot air balloon ride- I was actually booked on a ride when Dan and I were on a work trip to San Diego.  However, I was in my first trimester with Abby and my ob wouldn't clear me to go.
31) Complete a large DIY project- Tiling, flooring, molding, etc.  I'm pretty handy and just think this would be fun.
32) Do a spa day with at least 3 treatments
33) Get a couples massage
34) Go to Puerto Rico- This is the one thing Dan has added so far.  He has family there and went several times growing up.  He's been promising he'll take me for years now.

That's all I have so far! I figure I still have 5 years to add a few more.  What about you? Do you have a bucket list or milestone list? What do you want to do/see/go/eat?

* I won't travel where I cannot speak the language and I will not jump out of an airplane or bungee jump. (I'd love to do either, but I am a mom of 3 and feel that is irresponsible.) Other than that, I'm pretty open?  
** Does that make me sounds like as big of a loser as I think it does?? Reminder- I may come across as easy to get along with, but I am horribly socially awkward!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Happy Birthday, Abby!

Happy Birthday, Ladybug!

Eight is the first year that begins the transition from kid to teenager....a be"tween," if you will.  Looking at you now, I see more and more who you are becoming and less and less the baby you once were.  You are smart, kind, full of sass, and you wear your heart on your sleeve.

Last year at this time, you were learning the ropes in a new city.  You missed your old friends, but were quickly finding your groove and making new ones.  You LOVED school. Back in Raleigh you liked your school, but it was far from home so it was hard to make too many friends outside of the school walls.  For some reason, you never seemed to find your social groove. Here, you have settled right in and found a fantastic little circle of friends.*  You have found your confidence again when it comes to your social life.  You've always done well in the academic side of school, and this year is no exception.  It hasn't been the easiest year so far, but you are doing really well in second grade!

When the whole Frozen debacle occurred**, it was kind of the beginning of the end of your princess phase.  This year your dad introduced you to the wonderful world of Harry Potter.  You were sucked in from page one and have become fully obsessed with all things HP.  Along with the new found love of Potter, your dad introduced you to Star Wars this year.  Again, you were immediately sucked in.  These days your favorite princess is "Princess Leia." A fact that hurts your momma's heart, but you are nothing if not your own person!***

You've always been an athlete, but this year your sports are really coming together.  You've gotten more confident on the soccer field and though you may not be the leading goal scorer, no one hustles more than you.  You run hard, fast, and don't give up! Your dad and I love watching you play.  Last winter you tried basketball for the first time and did pretty well.  This year's team is a little more competitive skill wise, but you appear to hold your own.  You like basketball, soccer is your first love, but you are also a fantastic little runner.  I've become your running partner out of need (thanks to Daddy's knee trouble) but, even though I would have never picked it for us, I love that time together.  We're very different people and I love that we have running to share.  You've pushed me further than I thought I could go, and can't wait to see where our running goes!

You've always been a sassy little one, but this year has really brought the 'tude.  Sometimes I think those eyes will roll right out of your head, that foot may be stomped right through the floor, and you'll pull a neck muscle with how hard you flip your hair and turn your head at me.  I guess it's only a sign of what is to come.  I certainly don't expect it to go away anytime soon, so we're just trying to let it slide.  (So long as it's not mean.  You cross the line occasionally, but not all that often.  It always really upsets you when I point out the line as been crossed, so I know it's not intentional.  I think it's just a part of growing up.  Mostly, you're sweet and kind.)

I had lunch with you today at school and your assistant teacher from last year stopped by to give you a hug and wish you a happy birthday.  As she was hugging you, she said "you are best, kindest, smartest 8 year old I've ever met." Then she looked at me and said, "I'm serious about that.  I've know a lot of 8 year olds, and she really is.  And best of all, she's humble."  It melted my heart to hear those words.  She was telling the truth.  You are all of those things.

I'm sure this year will be a roller coaster as you navigate this new stage in life, but knowing you I know there will be a lot of highs among the bumps.  Eight years ago you came into this world and completely changed it forever.  I can't imagine where I would be without you as my daughter, I love you so much, Ladybug!


*I say this before these 4 girls come over for your sleepover on Friday.  I may change my tune on Saturday ;)
** 3/4 of the way through your 2nd (3rd?) theater viewing you became violently ill.  In the theater.  All over everything and everyone.  From that point on, you had some post traumatic stress and Anna and Elsa became enemies rather than your latest obsession.
*** That being said, you are your father's daughter.  You two are peas in a pod and your mind works just like his.  I am in trouble with you two.  You can already argue circles around me, but despite what you may think you are not smarter than i am! (yet! lol.)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Abby and the Attitude

Did you know that 8 is officially a "tween?" Not that this should be a huge surprise since Abby has had an attitude since she could speak, but as this milestone approaches she has been on fire lately.  I'm the one who has to deal with it every day, and it's not usually funny in the moment, but I always get a good laugh relaying the story to Dan later.  So, for your reading pleasure, here are just a few of the gems that have come out of her mouth the last week or two.

During dinner...
Abby: "I wonder what Lola is having for dinner...sigh.  Did you know that Lola's mom cooks dinner EVERY NIGHT? Like, she ACTUALLY cooks, not just heats stuff up."
She said this on a night I made spaghetti.  Which means in our house Abby had elbow noodles with butter and peas, Austin had thin spaghetti with sauce that I took all the "chunks" out of, Juliet had elbows with sauce, Dan had thin spaghetti with sauce and spicy sausage, and I had whatever noodle shape was left at 8pm and they had all gone to bed.*

I read Abby the school lunch menu word for word at breakfast and she chose to buy.  That afternoon when she got home from school...
Abby: "Today for lunch they had STRAWBERRY yogurt parfaits."
Me: "I know."
Abby: "You didn't SAY strawberry."
Me: "yes, I did."
Abby: "No you didn't!! Did you know that younger people have better memories than old people? So, I am right!"

Every time we go to a store these days they want to look at the toys "to make our christmas lists!"
Me: "We are not talking about Christmas lists anymore! I do not want to hear anything about a christmas list until after my birthday!"
Abby: "You mean MY birthday."
Me: "No.  MINE.  I have a birthday too!"
Abby: "sigh." eye roll

It's raining today so when I put Juliet in the car I sang, "Rain, Rain, Go Away."
Abby: "Ugh.  You know that song doesn't work, right?"

That folks, is just a glimpse of Abby on any given day.  Every once in a while I get a glimpse of the sweet girl buried way deep below the attitude and she does things like this...

Austin was fidgety during his haircut and I was wrangling Juliet, so Abby went up to calm him down and keep him still.

But the moments are fleeting, because not 10 minutes later she was in tears in the grocery store.  A man with a 10 year old boy stopped me and said, "I remember those days.  He's the youngest of my 3, it gets easier! They look happy at least! Well, except for that one.  She looks angry."

*Dinner in our house is craziness.